Klaus-Dieter Floegel
ABC Strasse 44
D-20354 Hamburg - Germany -
Tel.: (+49 40) 30 03 94 90
Fax:: (+49 40) 30 03 94 89
Mobil: (+49 1 70) 8 00 23 88

Mail: kdf@KDF-Consult.com

+++ News:

KDF-Consult is now member of the expert forum multimedia in Hamburg.

The new Internet Service Check 2002 is currently available for 12 sites of German shopping malls via isc2002@kdf-consult.de (in German only).

You are interested in the working group for Open Source Systems in the area of content management and solutions especially for small and medium enterprises? Specify your interest via email to oscms@kdf-consult.de ...

On June, 18th 2002 the new internet site of KDF-Consult has started here. Please leave your email adress below, we will inform you via mail immediately when we are going live with the english version...

Your revisit here will be appreciated ...

© KDF-Consult 2002